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Get Involved

An Invitation

St. Joan of Arc parish is committed to stewardship—that is, giving of your time, talent, and treasure to serve the Lord and his people. We are an active parish, and seek to have every member sharing in some ministry or function in the parish to make it your own! We invite you to look at the current ministries we have, to see if there’s anything you can help with or contribute to. If you don’t find anything that speak to you, please feel free to start something new! We look forward to getting to know you through work, play and prayer.


Please contact the parish to express your interest in volunteering. A personal interview will be arranged, and necessary forms to complete will be provided.

A small drop of rain plays an essential role in creating each lake which feeds the land, so too does every moment of time and effort contributed; make us a stronger and more productive part of our Christian community.

We invite you, your family and friends to become involved in our vibrant Parish Community. There is a place for all, from youth to those with vintage wisdom and experience to offer. Volunteers like you form the Parish ‘backbone’, helping us to continue to strengthen, build and provide a community where
‘All are Welcome’… We call it STEWARDSHIP.

Our Ministries & Groups tab provides a variety of opportunities to share your time and talents with the Parish and/or approach for assistance.

If you or a member of your family is interested in getting involved, simply fill out our Volunteer Stewardship Form. Forms are also available through the office.

We'd love to hear from you!

Our Ministries

The Stewardship Committee

guides, develops and sustains stewardship and involvement in all parish ministries. The members advise the Pastor and Pastoral team in the ongoing development and implementation of a multiyear parish strategic plan. Members represent the parish in strategic planning for the archdiocese. They also liaise with the various committees, including Parish council to ensure the ongoing vitality of the parish.



September - June


Building and Maintenance

This group is responsible for the maintenance and improvements to the St. Joan of Arc building and environment in coordination with the Parish priest and Finance committee.



September - June

4th Tuesday of the month

Catholic Women's League

We are a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to the People of God. Membership offers involvement in a wide variety of activities such as religious celebrations, social gatherings, meetings, parish celebrations, and fundraisers. Each member decides the level of commitment. Women of all ages are welcome to join this dynamic group.



September - May


Funeral Receptions

Committee members help families with receptions in the parish hall following a funeral mass in the church. They recommend available caterers and assist with arrangements including food & beverage, flowers, etc.



Year Round


St. Joan of Arc Day Committee

Once a year, in June, we honour our patron saint, Joan of Arc, by celebrating together by hosting a special mass, bbq and various activities. By taking part in this rewarding experience, you will be able to share ideas in the planning, organization, and implementation of this special day. Volunteers assist in ordering and picking up food/beverages, assembling materials and prizes for games, advertising (posters, flyers, bulletin), setting up areas and cleanup etc. 



April - June


Altar Servers

Our members come from among the parish’s faithful men and women, boys and girls, who display a desire to participate in a more intimate way during the mass. The main role of the altar server is to assist the priest at celebrations of the liturgy. Training is provided.



Year Round



Volunteers meet and welcome the parishioners and visitors to our parish before mass. They can extend information to the parishioners, or direct them to the appropriate person or place, as needed.



Year Round



Our lectors provide the spirit and breath to the Word of Scripture bringing the reading to life for those who hear it by giving it personality, tone and texture. They proclaim the Word at each Mass, every weekend. Schedules are prepared every two months, with special schedules for Christmas celebrations and the Easter Triduum.



Year Round


Winter Welcome Table

This ministry serves as an outreach to the 'needy, marginalized and homeless' in the centre-west of our city. St. Joan of Arc parish joins with St Peter's as hosts. Parishioners and others serve hot meals Monday evenings, typically November through March. Volunteers help with menu planning, shopping, food preparation, serving and clean up.



December - March


Development and Peace

This ministry educates the Canadian public and our Parish about the causes of impoverishment of peoples and mobilize actions for change. Through various campaigns and the sale of Fair Trade products September to June, the group provides education regarding Fair Trade practices worldwide. The group is a lively and creative group that meets to discuss issues and make plans for carrying out the current education and action campaign.



Year Round

3rd Monday of the month

Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP)

Our members are dedicated to providing direct services and financial aid to the poor. Volunteers are needed to help with home visits, furniture pickup and fund-raising. Home visits involve direct contact with the poor assisting with food, clothing, furniture, budgeting, and emotional support.



Year Round

2nd Wednesday of the month

Youth Ministry

Our vision is to create engagement opportunities for Youth age 13 to 18 following the sacrament of Confirmation. Leaders are typically 19 - 35. This is a group for youth led by youth.



September - June


The Finance Committee

is responsible for the fiscal health of the Parish. It is made up of qualified lay people who work primarily with the Pastor, Parish Finance Officer and our various committees and groups regarding the Parish budget, financial reporting and sacrificial giving.



Year Round

3rd Wednesday of the month


Volunteers are responsible for all aspects of the Church gardens including; planning, planting and maintenance.



April - October


Coffee Ministry

Volunteers support the Parish community by serving beverages and light snacks to the congregation after the 10am and 7pm masses in the hall. Volunteering as a family offers a wonderful opportunity to meet and exchange news with members of the parish.



September - June


Merrymakers Senior’s Group

This program aims to provide social, emotional and spiritual support to the senior members of our parish community. The group organizes a monthly noon mass and luncheon.



September - May

3rd Tuesday of the month


Our ushers assist with ensuring the church’s physical environment is safe and set for each mass, greet and assist parishioner in seating, take up the collection and distribute church bulletins at the end of Mass.



Year Round


Eucharistic Ministers

Our members serve at Sunday liturgies and Holy Days (i.e. Christmas, New Years, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter). Eucharistic Ministers have the privilege and opportunity to make the moment of communion as personal as possible. Training is provided.



Year Round



This group helps the congregation enter into worship by leading in song. Instrumental and choral music moves peoples’ hearts so they may be open to one another and to God. The 10:00 a.m. choir uses a combination of guitar, piano and other assorted instruments. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. The 12 o'clock choir is more traditional, accompanied by organ and piano. Rehearsals take place Sundays, 10:30 a.m.



September - June


Pastoral Care

Volunteers bring the Eucharist to isolated or ill parishioners who cannot attend mass, including those who are housebound, as well as those in palliative care facilities, hospitals and nursing homes.



Year Round


Creation Care

This ministry is inspired by Pope Francis’ call to everyone to care for our common home, which is facing a growing social and ecological crisis. Grounded in prayer, shared learning and dialogue, this group seeks to facilitate and collaborate around opportunities in the parish for deepening ecological spirituality, awareness, practices and solidarity. It includes possibilities for outreach and collaboration with the broader community around care for creation.



Year Round

2nd Tuesday of the month


Our scribes provide hand written cards on behalf of the Pastor and the Parishioners of St. Joan of Arc. Cards are sent to the newly registered parishioners, persons who are ill and to the family of individuals who passed away. Congratulatory notes are sent on first year anniversary of couples married at St. Joan of Arc and to those baptized in our Parish the year before.



Year Round


Prayer Shawl Ministry

Shawls are prayerfully made and given to the sick to comfort them in their time of distress.



Year Round


Young Adult Group

Meeting of people 19 and up for fellowship, service, and spirituality. Contact Fr. Bob for more information and meeting times.



September - June



Our Liturgical celebrations gather our diverse faith community to hear the Word of God and share in the Eucharistic table of the Lord. You will find a unique atmosphere of fellowship and welcome at each of our Mass times, and we hope you feel at home here.




1701 Bloor St. West

Toronto, Ontario

M6P 1B1

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